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Is the Real Estate market in Bundaberg affecting those in Property Management?
over 2 years ago
Is the Real Estate market in Bundaberg affecting those in Property Management?

The answer is YES.

Since the beginning of 2022, housing stock is slowing down even more than what it was in 2021. Many agents are finding it hard to obtain a listing to sell and that is also having a huge impact on the Rental Market.

We are finding more buyers are still coming through with enquiry on one listing, but less stock is coming onto the market in 2022.

More investors are slowly trickling back wanting to purchase in Bundaberg but unable to obtain a home with the amount of competition from cashed up buyers who are moving to the area.

This is affecting those in Property Management even more, as the stock is being bought by out of towners moving to the area.

In 2021 we had investors selling their investment properties, but that is now drying up and what stock of homes that are available is being bought by owner occupiers.

The number of tenants wanting to find suitable rental is increasing even more so than in 2021 and unfortunately those that do find suitable rental are paying high rental because of lack of stock.

The impact is getting worse for those in Property Management, with less stock and more tenants looking for rental, the demand has increased so much more in 2022.