Property Management has always been changing, but with COVID-19, border closures and lockdowns, it has only fueled the pace and change of what we normally considered.
In 2022, we are focusing on Property Management as a more collaborate approach. Gone are the days where Property Managers just collected rent. At First National McColms in Bundaberg we have our own Property Management team, where our experienced Property Managers are providing investors with unique systems when acquiring the right tenant for their property.
We work closely on every property, with every investor, with every tenant to attract the right tenants for that particular property. We collaborate as a team; we brainstorm ideas to provide innovative solutions and we really understand a landlord’s business objectives.
As a team, our focus is the landlord cost with the growth of rents, but also on the other side, we must keep the renters needs and wants in focus.
Our job as Property Managers today is to be the gate-keepers of data, we collect data for the value of both landlords and tenants. Data is a fantastic tool, but it means nothing without analysing and reviewing what this data means. We have tenants who understandably in this current market where there is a shortage of rental are demanding some flexibility or in many cases wanting longer term leases. But as a Property Manager we need to communicate with both the investor / owner of the property and the renter to come to a suitable agreement as we encourage an initial rental period to start, followed by the signing of a longer lease.
We understand the anguish that many tenants are facing with many homes that are now being sold and having to find somewhere else to live.
As a team we embrace technology, it offers ways for our team to work smarter.
With the recent pandemic, it has brought so many diverse changes to the industry that would normally taken years, those changes are being made in 6 months. In the midst of uncertainty, no one knows how things will look during 2022. We can only encourage more investors to hold onto their investments rather than sell, but our team are proactive; innovative and welcome changes and what’s coming ahead in the industry.
If you would like to talk to one of our experienced Property Managers, please contact First National Real Estate McColms Bundaberg on (07) 4152 1122, our team are more than happy to help you and answer any questions you may have related to investing and renting.